BSB Alumni gathers a network of 18'000 graduates of BSB, founded in 1899, and has three main missions :

  1. To structure and animate the BSB Alumni network worldwide
  2. To contribute to the professional development of its graduates throughout their career
  3. To support the development of BSB and to promote the school

BSB Alumni is also aimed at BSB students who wish to take advantage of the BSB alumni community in order to develop their network and build their project.

Attention: this must not result in abusive commercial canvassing and in no case on personal details.

Your BSB ALUMNI contacts:

        Isabelle Lambert, BSB Alumni Network Assistant

        +33 (0) 380 725 950

        Marie Durdilly, BSB Alumni Project Manager

       +33 (0) 380 191 217

       Jacques Helie, BSB Alumni Network Manager

       +33 (0) 380 191 217

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