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Commitment by BSB: a flame that never goes out.




Alexandrine Bornier, Head of the Personal Development and Coaching Department, Céline SoulasAssociate Professor of Economics and Head of the (re)Connect program, and Sophie Pouchet, Head of the BSB Foundation, show that commitment can be a lesson...


To what extent can we say that BSB is a committed school?


Our mission to provide excellent education for all is, of course, a first step in this direction. But in reality, it's our culture to be in touch with society's issues. Our CSR policy, which recently won an award, and of course the Foundation, are other very important levers for shaking things up.  


With the re(Connect) program, created in 2019, which develops the employability of refugees, BSB demonstrates another facet of its connection to the issues of our time. Working with local social players, re(Connect) welcomes around twenty people a year, who regain confidence in themselves and their potential. 

Alexandrine BORNIER

It's hard to talk about the school's commitment without noting how demanding most of our students are. Even if solidarity weren't a value shared by the entire administration and teaching staff, the students would be there to bring us back to basics. The IMPACT module, through which they support the work of associations in Dijon and Lyon as part of a volunteer program integrated into their curriculum, only serves to channel their need to be useful.


What about our alumni? What part do they play in the school's commitment?

Alexandrine BORNIER

The alumni whose extraordinary commitment is highlighted in this issue of La Suite attest to the fact that the need for meaning does not disappear after graduation. We take pride in the fact that the empathy we cultivate during their studies remains alive throughout their professional careers. 


I would add that our alumni are genuinely proud of the school's many commitments. They urge us to stay the course and put so much human value into their diploma. As demanding spectators, they are also active players. This is the case, for example, with the mentors who give up their time to help their successors find employment at the school. 


There is a clear continuum of commitment between BSB and its alumni. Alumni respond to requests from the school, and in particular the Foundation, to the best of their ability. And the actions taken by the school today keep BSB's positive image alive and visible.



Commitment in action

The BSB Foundation

Since 2014, the BSB Foundation has supported missions of general interest based on three themes:

# Foster pedagogical innovation, academic excellence and applied research

# Helping students in need and encouraging diversity

# Encourage an entrepreneurial mindset among students, graduates and associations to support high-impact projects

The IMPACT module

In the Bachelor's and Master's Grande École programs, the IMPACT module encourages each student to invest 40 hours of his or her time by volunteering on a social and/or humanitarian mission (tutoring, food drives, street teams, etc.).

(re)Connect program

For 3 months, around twenty hours a week, twenty refugees follow an immersion program in the business world, benefiting from the school's network.

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