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Louise Lambert-Muyard (BSB'14) : Head of UNICEF Corporate Communication Department




"For me, commitment is a concentration of know-how and energy. But above all, it's the result of a meeting between personal values and an indisputable social benefit. Pushing back mountains then becomes almost possible!"  

For Louise Lambert-Muyard, working in line with her values is the result of a personal journey, each step of which has brought her closer to the balance she enjoys today. "On the skills side, I built up a strong expertise in communications by joining EFAP and then Sup de Pub after my Master's at BSB. As for my career path, I identified my preference for values and meaning through two very different experiences, first in a communications agency, then within an organization committed to public health. Unicef finally brings together my professional skills and a cause that moves me 100%". 

This fulfillment is based on a kind of convergence between the institution's mission and the personal values of its 150 employees in France. "I enjoy combining a high level of professional standards, with vital communication challenges for Unicef, with day-to-day benevolence. Generosity isn't just the prerogative of our donors; it also characterizes interactions within the association". 

For Louise Lambert-Muyard, this commitment was a natural step. "Unicef is active in 190 countries and territories. Since 1946, our mission has been to save children's lives, defend their rights and help them realize their potential. To meet these immense challenges, the support of donors and the mobilization of the public are essential. My job is to devise and implement fund-raising campaigns. We also carry out advocacy work, aimed at changing public policy. The workload is clearly heavy, but I accept it calmly, in the name of the usefulness of our fight. Incidentally, it's each and every one of us here who is extremely committed and invested. For all of us, the cause we're championing is a real collective motivator

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